Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yummy soup!!!

Sierra- you were right the Roasted Red Pepper Soup was soooo much better than the regular creamy tomato! I also added a half cup of cut up spinach to the soup, I think next time I'll put them in the blender together or cut the spinach a little smaller, I didn't care for the big "chunks".

I wanted to just check in and say that I am doing my 50 crunches a day and boy are my abs sore! Who knew you used your abs in so many different ways all the time? I didn't get out and run today like I wanted. One step at a time right!


  1. I love the spinach idea! Oh now you have me thinking of how we can turn the soup into a complete meal..... How about we try adding some garbanzo beans for protein? I'm trying it tomorrow :)

  2. Love that idea, let me know how it is with garbanzo beans!


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