Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting Organized

Wish me luck... I've actually WRITTEN DOWN on my calendar my workouts for the week ahead!  Whether it's an organized class at a location or Stefanie doing a Jillian Michael's DVD during Rocco's naptime, it's scheduled in!   I'm hoping this will help hold myself accountable.  In fact, I just read Sierra's challenges for the week and now am thinking I will do stretching, crunches and squats first thing in the morning---straight from bed!  Who can fail at that, right?  Perhaps it will cut down on the amount of coffee I drink afterwards??

Also, I've broken down, "ONE DAY AT A TIME" into, "1/2 DAY AT A TIME"!  Funny?  Yes, but mentally, it's going to do a lot for me.  I saw a sign in a gift shop that said, "It's never too late to start the day over", and how true is this?  As a mother, it's really easy for me to get overwhelmed with the day at hand and when something doesn't go as planned, throw in the towel and commit to starting anew the NEXT day.  Well, I'm re-vamping this and am vowing to just pick myself back up off the floor and try again, right there on the spot.  The same day.  Maybe this will speak to some of you out there as well. 

And lastly, I've planned a week of dinners out for the week ahead.  Concentrating on *simple* for the two soccer nights and my late work night, I hope to be successful. 

Wishing everyone success!


  1. You will do this Stef! Falling down is unavoidable but getting back up is the challenge. Your up now sister---- Full speed ahead!

  2. I'm seriously impressed!! You're absolutely right - it's never too late to start the day over - I like that a lot!! I love that sentiment and I'm going to adopt it as well. I think this week is going to be amazing for you! :-)


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