Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I went shopping!

Taking Sierra's advice, I went shopping yesterday to stock up on all kinds of healthier choices. I had a talk with my husband, who is a meat & not even potatoes kind of guy, seriously -- the guy won't eat ANY veggies unless it's corn on the cob & that's not even a vegetable, right? is it a grain?

Anyway, we had a talk about what I'm doing and I wanted to make sure he was taken care of too. Ugh, being a Mom is hard -- WHY do we insist on making sure everyone else is taken care of before ourselves? I told him that I'd basically be eating veggies and veggies and more veggies with some lean protein thrown in there too so wanted to know what I should make for him as a 'side' to the 'meat' I'd already be making for them for dinner. I was actually surprised by his answer because he actually said to me 'You do what you need to do & I'll just figure something out for myself' -- What in the world? Why did I not ask him this a long time ago? Here I am making rice or pasta or serving bread for side choices when all I really wanted was veggies. Of course I ate all that rice, pasta & bread because it was there. It kinda makes me sad to think that maybe I'd be 30 pounds lighter if I had just put my foot down earlier, ya know?

OK, so back to ME. I went shopping, here's the picture & I'm happy to say that I've been gladly munching on all this 'rabbit food' (that's what my husband calls it) since Sunday.

How are you all doing?


  1. -- Oh yeah, one more thing! It was really nice to meet all you fantastically beautiful ladies on Sunday! I am feeling so good about these positive changes I'm already making & feel so blessed that we have Sierra in our lives to guide us like this! I can't WAIT until we try on our pants & actually fit in them! ~ Faith

  2. Great work Faith and tell Travis good answers! I guess we forget that we should always ask and not assume right?

    I'm so happy to have all you ladies a part of this program. The only thing you will get out of this is positive change so suck it up (boot camp instructor in me speaking) and keep working hard... It will get easier and easier :)

  3. That sounds great! Yesterday I was able to get my dinner cooked and on the table by 5ish. So I ate by myself instead of waiting for my husband to get home. He's much like yours... favorite foods/ side dishes are mac n cheese or corn. I felt good making my healthy choices even if I was eating alone. That way when he got home and grabbed a bag of chips out of the pantry to snack on I wasn't tempted to join in.


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