Sunday, October 9, 2011

How did your 1st week go?

Hi everyone!

Well, I survived my 1st week!

I *think* I lost a couple pounds... I honestly can't be sure because my scale showed something different than the one Sierra used. Mine read about 2.5 lbs lower than Sierra's, but still, I believe I may have lost 2 pounds. I also think I lost 1 inch around my waist, yay, right? Wish I knew for sure though!

One thing I know for SURE is that I am feeling so much better mentally! I feel SO good about what I'm doing and my friends are feeling inspired too. I keep trying to get at least one person to do what I'm doing too, but man, they're resistant!

Basically I've been eating bran cereal or oatmeal with blueberries for my breakfasts, string cheese & apples or veggies for snacks, a pita with hummus and whatever veggies I have on hand and dinner consists of tons of veggies (I love to steam them with garlic & bragg's amino acids) with whatever protein I'm making for the rest of the family. I've been staying totally away from the stuff I love like bread, rice, pasta, cookies, cake, ice cream, pretzels, etc and it's been HARD but I'm hopeful that as soon as I get a handle on portion sizes & drop some of this icky weight then I'll be able to slowly introduce a few other things here and there.

As far as exercise goes - I know you all are getting more than I am since you're attending Sierra's classes so I bet you've got some serious inch & weight loss going on but down here in Salem, I'm getting out there as much as I can to walk. There's a little track right behind my house at the elementary school so I try to go there before the kids get out and walk at least a mile. I have been slacking on the crunches though, I admit it. I have Fibromyalgia so it takes me longer to recover from repetitive motions BUT I'm trying!

One thing really cool that I wanted to share with all of you was this: Yesterday I went with another photographer friend to Vancouver to help her with 2 high school senior shoots she was doing and I thought it would be a pretty relaxing day but boy was I wrong! We probably walked at least 6 miles all together and I forgot my Fibro medication and snacks in the car so I was extremely exhausted a couple hours into our shoots. The thing that's cool is that normally when I do something like that I'm really stiff, sore & in a lot of pain for at least a few days because that's what Fibro does to me BUT since I had already been walking during the week, that didn't happen to me! I mentally thanked Sierra a million times this morning when I woke up & realized I could actually move! So, since Sierra can't hear my mental thank you's, I'll tell her now - THANK YOU SIERRA! The plan this week (on top of whatever additional challenges I've been given) is to break out a pilates CD I have & see how that works out for me.

How did you all do? Excited for week 2? Anything really cool/interesting you want to share?


1 comment:

  1. I want to share how much I enjoyed reading this! I love that you are in it 100%. I hear it in your words and that tells me that this is the time that you are really going to make this change in your life. As a trainer I cannot think of anything more rewarding than to hear that you feel better and that you are committed. I love that you are not resisting these challenges and changes despite how hard they are--- you can do this Faith and I'm 100% by your side ( Like it or not ).


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