Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So, they always say the 2nd day after is the worst! Well my legs are killing me, in a good way, as I know I must have done something right at the weekends work out :-) I did get the foam roller out and used that this morning and it has helped.
Love the idea of this blog that we can all just get on here and talk about the work outs to keep up the motivation! Just need to remember to record what I'm eating and not get side tracked with the 3 kids!


  1. I here ya! I put the food tracker sheet on my refrigerator, it helps to remind me to write down what I'm eating. I also put up the weekly challenge and meal plan too. hit up New Seasons yesterday for veggies/ fruit so I'm all stocked and have meals planned out.

  2. http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/guide/sore-muscles-keep-exercising

    Here is a good article about being sore... Unless it is really bad it is ok to keep moving :)
    Keep on track w/ the food... Just think of your goal and stick to it. Keep your snack simple (K.I.S principle) and the same every day.. Apple and cheese stick. This is good for the kiddos as well! One more idea if feel like you need something different is to put cream cheese (preferably low fat) on a graham cracker.. Only eat 1! Your kids will LOVE it too.


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