Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week one challenges

Hi Everyone,

So I've been doing okay, but I have to say, when I looked at Sierra's week 1 challenges, I thought - no big deal, I've got this covered! HA!!! No such luck!!! There are some things that are easy to do - no fried foods, hitting the 6 miles, signing up for SparkPeople, reading, and paying attention to calories... BUT, those 50 crunches are hard to get in! And the not eating after 7 is a real challenge... I have a sedentary job, where I start my conference calls as early as 6:00 some mornings, and will be on the phone until 5:00 p.m. Getting in a workout and then making dinner and eating before 7 is proving to be very difficult. On days when I get done earlier, I can do it (like yesterday), but on others, I'm faced with either skipping dinner or not hitting the goal...

On another note, in order to keep those goals in front me me all the time, I've created a spreadsheet that allows me to check off the days when I hit the goal and when I don't - there are points assigned to the goal, and then I figured if I make it, I'll look at a reward ($5 in a pot towards a new outfit come January!).

I have enjoyed planning my meals (which took me by surprise). It's been fun picking out whole food recipes and options that didn't leave me feeling deprived... :-)

1 comment:

  1. Look at stefs post above! You ladies are thinking on the same wave length. I can't wait to hear about some the recipes you have been trying. The 7pm challenge is hard but keep working at it. I think you will create a routine with work and life that will welcome this change! Go Kunjan!


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