Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Less of me....

So exciting to start the week LIGHTER!  After 36 hours of work in a 3 day period, I found it very difficult to fit exercise in.  I kept to my nutrition plan and took the stairs at the hospital and DID IT! 

I'm looking forward to the challenges this week...THANK GOD I can have 2 glasses of wine.  You know I'm going to plan those moments out! 

Hoping you all are having a great week too--


  1. I don't how you ladies put a 12 hour shift in back to back with crazy hormonal woman. :) (I know I was one)

    Great job, hopefully I will see you tomorrow for the noon workout. Samantha is super excited to play with Rocco. Ha, you should hear how she says his name. Really long and drawn out, cracks me up every time!

  2. 36 hours of work in 3 days === calories burned and recovery earned
    That is a lot of work and the fact that you added stairs to it makes you a super star! Keep it up- Your doing GREAT!


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