Thursday, October 13, 2011

Great Workout, Bad Day

My morning started off good. Had my smoothie, got my oldest off to pre-school and headed to our office to get a few things done. Sierra gave us an AMAZING workout at the Wed noon class. All was going good till I loaded the girls up and headed home.

My toddler decided she didn't need a nap and I had to take her to a dr. appt at 4pm. Turns out, I'm not the only one that needs to change their diet. She's not getting enough fiber and causing tummy aches.... So after the major melt down at the dr. office, (the tantrum was of epic size) I got her home. She was bouncing off the walls leaving a tornado size mess in her path everywhere she went. Cranky baby on my hands since the toddler was making too much noise for Maddy's afternoon nap. I wasn't able to get any sort of dinner prepared much less cook anything.

My dinner ended up consisting of some frozen packaged meal. (def not healthy) and 2 glasses of wine!

Thankfully I'll I can say is that since I sweated so hard earlier with Sierra the scale didn't go up when I got on it this morning!

My other conclusion from yesterday? I really need to hire a cleaning lady!


  1. OH MY it sounds like a day I've had in the past! Isn't it fun being a Mom :) All things moving along smoothly and then all of a sudden out of nowhere----- TANTRUM----- :) I hope today was much better and yes you should hire a cleaning lady-- I'll give you a name and number.

    Hope to see you at 530am & 3pm????

  2. I'm planning on tomorrow morning, (Friday) is anyone else going???


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