Sunday, October 30, 2011

Month 1 Down!


Today was GREAT!  We missed a few of you but had a wonderful workout and some good results.   Today marks exactly 1 month since you surrendered you jeans to me!  With one month down lets refocus tomorrow morning on starting Month #2 with a big bang!  Get your workouts in and continue making good healthy food choices.   Reaching your goals will follow-- I promise.   Follow your challenge cards and be sure to get the daily exercises in as this will help change your body composition and increase your metabolism.
Today's workout was very simple but good.  We used all our daily challenge exercises and added some intensity to them and more reps.  The idea is to teach you how to exercise at home with a good amount of intensity so you are maximizing your workouts.
Today's workout also included pumpkins---  Try carrying a 10lb pumpkin down the track, setting it down, then sprinting back!  Sweat inducing as well as festive :)
I'm wishing you all a very Happy Halloween and remember that part of your challenge is to say no to the sweets-- You don't need them and I guarantee you will only feel the ill effects of the sugar if you give in.  Try to stick with it and I hope that being challenged to "not have any sweets" will make it easier than if you were allowed to have a "few".  If you are going to hand out anything to trick or treaters you can always buy stickers or rings so that you don't have to have the candy in your house.  


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