Monday, November 7, 2011


Okay, so I promised myself I would not be a coward, and would face up to what a disaster last week was... it was horrifying, but I'll spare you all the details. And I have all kinds of excuses - I was traveling for business, and my routine got messed up, I've been overwhelmed with commitments and looking for middle schools that are a good fit for my daughter, it was my husband's birthday... blah, blah, blah, the excuses are endless. :-(

Today however, I've decided this is ridiculous. Instead of beating myself up and going back to my old patterns, I need to get back on the program and make sure that I'm doing the things that are good for me. There are lots of reasons to not do so this week - my boss is in town from Russia, there are other face to face meetings with international folks all week, and of course, the middle school open houses continue with a vengeance... BUT, I will get to the gym every day this week, I will NOT eat any sweets or fried foods, or drink alcohol, and I *will* stay focused on why I signed up for this in the first place... Looking for all your positive thoughts this week... :-)

1 comment:

  1. The most important part of this program is YOU. You can and will do this-- Make it fun and remember I'm challenging you.... Change doesn't happen overnight so slow down and enjoy the challenge. when you fall get back up but even better reward yourself along the way. What about that nice outfit you are working towards?? xxoo


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