Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Size "Small"

I ran to Costco today to grab a few things. I spotted some cute sweaters and thought, why not? I got a small hoping I could wear it for the holidays. I tried it on this afternoon to see how tight it would fit. I wasn't expecting to be able to wear it for at least a month.... Guess what? It fits great! I can't remember the last time I bought a small size piece of clothing. It feels amazing and I can't wait what month 2 will bring!

More encouraged and energized to keep this up. I just might be able to feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit for our cruise in Jan. Here's hoping!

Hope to see some of you on Friday morning, I have a toddler that is coming down with something. Hopefully she feels better soon and I'm not up all night. :)


  1. What a great moment! I think that moments like these can be your best motivators! Discovering the changes in your body makes all the hard work well worth it and keeps you moving forward upwards your goals! Thanks for posting this Liz. I hope Sam feels better :(

  2. What a great moment! I think these kind of moments can be the best motivators. These obvious changes that you are seeing make all the hard work pay off! Keeps you moving forward :).
    I hope Sam feels better !

  3. Thanks, it does feel good. Poor Sam is still sick. Depending on how things go I may stay home Sunday. She still has a fever and throwing up. :(

  4. Hey Liz,
    How is Sam doing? I hope she is feeling better. Let me know if you need anything at all.


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